Who is eligible for the DC EITC?
1. Generally, you can claim the DC EITC if the EITC was allowed on your federal return. The DC EITC is claimed by filing a DC individual income tax return (Form D-40).
2. Generally, you can claim the DC EITC if you have a valid Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) and meet all the federal requirements to claim the EITC, except for having a social security number (SSN).
3. Besides not having a social security number and having a valid ITIN, DC also offers the DC EITC to certain filers that do not qualify for the federal EITC. More information on these programs can be found in the "Resources" tab above.
If you have questions about whether you qualify for the EITC, the IRS has guidance available regarding who can claim the federal EITC.